Category: Pilgrimage Tours |

  19, Tayza St., Other.Tsp, Ma U Bin


Category: Gold Shops and Goldsmiths |

  15, Tayza St., Infront of Si Pin Bazaar, Other.Tsp, Ma U Bin


Category: Guest Houses |

  Pagoda St., Cor. of Khaing Nay Win St., (6) Ward. Other.Tsp, Ma U Bin

  09-8585117 , 09-451237573

Category: Gold Shops and Goldsmiths |

  6, Tayza St., Myo Ma Market, Other.Tsp, Ma U Bin


Category: Building and Construction Materials |

  44, Strand Rd., Other.Tsp, Ma U Bin


Category: Furniture Marts |

  23, Cor. Strand St. and Pagoda St., Other.Tsp, Ma U Bin


Category: Restaurants |

  Near of Highway Bus Centre, Yae Le St., (9) Qtr., Other.Tsp, Ma U Bin


Category: Thingans and Monk's Utensils |

  63, Strand Rd., (5) Ward. Other.Tsp, Ma U Bin


Category: Tea House |

  9/10, Myo Ma Market, Tayza St., Other.Tsp, Ma U Bin


Category: Guest Houses |

  10, Strand Rd., (3) Qtr., Other.Tsp, Ma U Bin




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