225, 27th St., Bet. 82nd St. and 83rd St. Other Tsp., Mandalay
4, Cherry Shed, Northern Bldg., Myo Ma Market, Other Tsp., Lashio
251, 27th St., Bet. 83rd and 84th St. Other Tsp., Mandalay
15, Aung Myat St., (3) Ward, Other Tsp., Aung Ban
Aung Zeyar St., (5) Qtr., Min Ward. Other Tsp., Shwebo
83rd St., Bet. 22nd and 23rd St. Other Tsp., Mandalay
64th St., Bet. 42nd & 43rd St., Maha Myaring, Other Tsp., Mandalay
158, Myanma Gonyi St., Kandawgalay, Mingalar Taung Nyunt Tsp., Yangon