150, Pyay Rd., 9th Mile, Mayangone Tsp., Yangon


  68th St., Bet. 27th and 28th St. Other Tsp., Mandalay

  09-5118948 , 09-91044666

  87th St., Bet. 25th and 26th St., Aung Myay Thazan Tsp., Mandalay

  09-797225508 , 09-256178581

  Bogyoke St., Other Tsp., Phalan

  070-40208 , 09-36504654

  417, Kannar St., Other Tsp., Pyay


  G/004, Bo Myat Tun Tower, Cor. of Maha Bandoola Rd and Bo Myat Tun St, Botahtaung Tsp., Yangon

  09-451155059 , 09-777445009

  10, Kyar Kwet Thit St., Pathein Nyunt Ward, Tamwe Tsp., Yangon

  01-549128 , 01-205618

  24, Bo Sein Hman St., Cor. of Nga Mout St., Bahan Tsp., Yangon

  09-263526300 , 09-789963700

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