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Category: Lubricants


  605/606, Saga 21st St., South Okkalapa Tsp., Yangon

   09-250721998,  09-250204646

  Company Info..

BG Products, Inc.  was established in 1971, the knowledge and the innovation of the founders started back in the 1940. Armed with over 30 years of petrochemical experience, and the realization of poor quality automotive products in the market, the BG Products founders discovered a niche and established BG Products, Inc. in 1971. In November, 1971, the partners took first two products of BG to market: Engine Tune-Up and RF-7. The first truckload—40,000 pounds of the only two products available— left Wichita for a distributorship of founder in North Carolina. In our first full year in business, BG sold products worth just over a half-million dollars. In 1973, BG achieved 17 percent growth. Twenty percent growth followed in 1974.

Since the founding of BG Products In 1971, our commitment has been to product excellence. Never content to be common, BG has been innovative and responsive in producing extraordinary petrochemical products for an ever-changing automotive industry.  Through the years, BG Products has kept pace with the many changes in engine design and the problems that have arisen because of continuous stringent environmental regulations. BG is committed to maintaining the operational systems of vehicles these days. We manufacture our own products, specialized tools and equipment for application by specially trained automotive professionals. We seek prolonged trouble-free automotive performance for every BG customer. We have dedicated every resource—the skills of our people, our capacity for breakthrough research and our ongoing testing and refinement of current products—to better understand how the ravages of time and use deplete the vital fluid systems of a vehicle.

Complete deposit control lies at the core of our business. Altogether, it means products that bring extended life and efficiency to engines, transmissions, brakes, Power steering, cooling and climate control systems. As the technical sophistication of these systems evolves, BG and its distributors keep pace, adding still more efficiency, economy, and long-term reliability to computerized vehicles. We hold the line against time and distance, giving new life to vehicles worldwide as we continue to look for a better way A changing automotive marketplace, an emerging BG response. Our philosophy of doing business ensures the continued development of products and services attuned to the exact automotive needs of the moment. We take pride in the skill, the imagination, and the integrity of loyal BG employees. We will stay the course. During constant change, we focus exclusively on products of the highest quality only available through BG. And so we continue on the path of discovery that has defined our first 35 years.  We hold the line against time and distance, giving new life to vehicles worldwide as we continue to look for a better way.


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