136, Shed (B), Theingyi Market, Pabedan Tsp., Yangon

  01-250572 , 09-43043268

  18, East Arcade of Eaintawyar. Other Tsp., Mandalay


  5/1, Thanthumar Rd., Top of Zin Yaw St., (14/2) Ward, South Okkalapa Tsp., Yangon

  01-572329 , 09-5128965

  488/B, Strand Rd., Infront of Thiri Mingalar Market, Kyeemyindaing Tsp., Yangon

  01-221282 , 09-5406738

  Pa-49, Pwe Yone Tan, Myo Ma Market. Other Tsp., Nay Pyi Taw

  067-421364 , 09-6501098

  U Tun Yi + Daw Ohn Kyi Kyaingkhan Village, Other Tsp., Nyaung Shwe

  09-5195083 , 09-778012058



  62, 84th St., Bet. 28th and 29th St. Other Tsp., Mandalay


  13~15, West of Eain Taw Yar Pagoda. Other Tsp., Mandalay

  09-91011943 , 09-43178797

  88th St., Bet. 18th St. and 19th St., Other Tsp., Mandalay

  09-455546400 , 09-444140988

  16, Northern Bldg., East Mok of Phayargyi, 81st St., Other Tsp., Mandalay

  09-2151023 , 09-91039780

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