36, Bogyoke Rd., (2) Ward.Other.Tsp, Lashio
32nd St., Cor. of 69th St.,Chan Aye Thazan.Tsp, Mandalay
38, Shwe Taungdan St., Lower Blk.,Lanmadaw.Tsp, Yangon
604, 27th St., Cor. of 82nd St.,Chan Aye Thazan.Tsp, Mandalay
Send Emailunityhotel@mandalay.net.mm
Website www.unityhotelmyanmar.com
176, 82nd St., Bet. 25th and 26th St.,Aung Myay Thazan.Tsp, Mandalay
215, 83rd St., Bet. 27th and 28th St.Other.Tsp, Mandalay
Send Emailuniversehotelmdy@gmail.com
Website www.universehotelmdy.com
276, Pyay Rd., Sanchaung.Tsp, Yangon
852-D/E, Shukhintha Rd., (4) Ward,Thaketa.Tsp, Yangon